Hallo! This morning something happened to me on my run that’s never happened before. It’s not a big deal, but after 10 years of running/jogging/slogging it was just random to have a little leaf get stuck under my shoelace. It made me laugh and think, “I’m just glad I didn’t fall today…” (which is what normally happens when I’m not paying attention).
After breakfast I headed to my mom’s for a few errands I have to take care of over here. It’s about a 45-60 minute drive and I didn’t listen to any music or radio the whole time.
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That reminded me that I drove home from palm Springs on Sunday in silence too. Ist das komisch? It’s about 2 hours, which is the usual length of a long run for me so I guess I’m used to just hanging out with my brain movies?
After my errands I was super hungry and of course went to raid my mom’s fridge. I’m really glad they bought a trailer so the neighbors can’t see me through the window. I’m like the Tazmanian Devil eating up all their food!
My mom finally bought adult Gummie vitamins so I’ll stop eating my lil brother’s. Vielen Dank!
It’s so gorgeous here I ate outside. California Love.
(Plus a cereal buffet.)
Last night I had a Lean Cuisine for dinner and wanted to share a reminder to put them on a plate. It looks so much fancier and delicious this way!
On the flip side, I ate my salad out of the container today because there was room to add toppings, shake it up and attack! plus I wasn’t dirtying any extra dishes and since I’m at my madre’s I try to keep it cleaner than at home.
Check out my Lorna Jane Journal Giveaway!
Question: Do you ‘plate’ your meals or just eat them out of the container/pan/box?
I try to, but it doesn’t always happen.
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