Hello!! getting prepared to do one more Run difficulty as well as wished to ask YOU to chime in… ➡️
1. exactly how many days a week do you run right now?
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2. Do you want boost distance / speed / exactly how many days you run?
3. Are you training for anything right now?
4. exactly how long should it be? 4 Wochen? or 6 weeks?
5. Can you typical 15 min/miles or faster?
I want to make it a difficulty that truly assists keep You on track & chase down your goals!! 〰️ ? 〰️
It will most likely be 4 days a week of running with an boost in mileage each week. This is a excellent base to develop up endurance to run longer & stronger. ◽ ◽ ◽
Let me understand your thoughts. [DM if you feel more comfortable with that.] say thanks to you! fröhlichen Valentinstag!! ? ? ❣
Monica @RunEatRepeat
Fröhlichen Valentinstag!! Was hast du vor?
Diego wishes to desire you a extremely happy Valentine’s…
Are you the backyard? … ?
Because I truly dig you!
xoxo @diegoredvera
And I had a lil donut date this morning total with heart shaped donuts! So hübsch! however my preferred donut is a twisty glazed. Magical. It was magical.
Roses are red ⚘ Donuts are pink ? Life without running would truly stink! ?? ? tag your Valentine, Running friend or Me – since I’m at a donut shop eating donuts as well as scrolling with Instagram right now.
Okay, danke. ❣ #RunEatRepeat #valentinesday2019
Check out my Valentine’s for Runners here.
Please chime in as well as let me understand your thoughts on the next challenge! I want it to be a difficulty that truly assists you stay on track, get quicker and/or run farther! say thanks to you!!
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